Saint Kevin School was established in 1959 by Fr. Raymond Murphy along with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The school has grown and flourished since then, featuring a Pre-Kindergarten Program for three and four-year-olds, full day Kindergarten, and a Middle School for grades 6, 7, and 8. St. Kevin School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Our teachers are degreed, and most are certified in their specialty areas. They are dedicated professionals who work diligently in providing the best academic programs within nurturing, Christian environments. Father Marciano provides the spiritual guidance of all in their ministry of St. Kevin Parish and School. He is committed to Catholic education and fosters its growth and development working cooperatively with the principal, Mr. David Irving.
St. Kevin School follows the curriculum requirements of the R.I. Department of Education and the Diocese of Providence. St. Kevin’s elementary program (K-5) fosters learning in a structured, nurturing environment. The curriculum emphasizes reading, language arts and math skills, learning basic concepts in science and social studies, and encouraging creativity. All students, K-8, also receive weekly instruction in technology, music, art, library, foreign language and physical education. Theater and Chorus is also available.
All students study religion, and the entire school celebrates Mass together each month and on Holy Days. Our schedule incorporates daily prayer, and the sacrament of Reconciliation is offered during Advent and Lent. Community service is required of all students.
Our school offers a developmental program for three and four year olds and young fives. The basic goal is to enhance in each child a positive self-image. In addition, we seek to develop the whole child by providing varied activities that will contribute to his overall readiness for school focusing on each child’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual development.